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convicts-£1.00,serpae £1.10, x-ray £1.00, unusual and rare tropical fish

we now have an updated stocklist available on our website.
new fish include geophagus steindachneri, L059a, L182, imparfinis minutus, chrysichthys brachynema, tiger shovelnose now £22.50!plants available now cheaper, bristlenose, guppies, spotted talknig catfish, apistogramma agasizzi tefe redtail breeding trio AND LOTS MORE!
we can also get almost any species on application.
delivery available
for more info call 07950 374176
or visit our website by following the link below.
thank you
Contact Information Advertiser: acc aquatics Telephone: 07950 374176
Town: beaconsfield
County: buckinghamshire
Web Link: http://www.freewebs.com/acc_aquatics
Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/07/06 Views: 4182]
