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  Tropical and cold water fish for sale. UK delivery

Description: Some fish for sale, collection from widnes, or local drop off or postage to any UK post code available:
Assorted African cichlids 2-2.5” £2ea or 10 for £15
Neolamprologus brichardi aka fairy cichlid 2” £3ea or 6for £15
Aequidens metae aka yellow acara wild caught 2” £4ea
Crenicichla lugubris aka atabo red pike cichlids wild caught 7” £40ea
Crenicichla lenticulata pike cichlids wild caught 6-8” £50ea
Crenicichla strigata striped pike cichlid wild caught 4-5” £20ea
ExCichlasoma atromaculatum wild caught, very rare 2” £20ea
Oscura hetersopila 2” very nice fish, £6ea or 6 for £30

L201 Hypansistrus Orinoco angel pleco 2.5” wild caught £15ea
L340 Hypansistrus mega clown 2.5” wild caught £12.50
L235 Flyer catfish 3-4” wild caught £20ea
L205 pleco 3-4” Wild caught £15ea
L200 Green phantom 2-3” wild caught £25ea
L106 Pleco wild caught 3” £15ea
L124/L75 P.sabajii 3” last one, wild caught £20
L104 Panaqolus maccus aka clown pleco 2” £5ea or 6 for £25

Community fish:
Albino tiger barb M £1ea or 12 for £10
Tiger barb L £1ea or 12 for £10
Colombian tetra M £1ea or 12 for £10
Glowlight tetra L £1ea or 12 for £10
Pristella aka xray tetra £1.25ea or 12 for £12
Black phantom tetra £1ea or 12 for £10
Bleeding heart tetra WC M £2ea or 6 for £10
Silver tetra (Gymnocorymbus bondi) WC £2ea or 6 for £10
Bosemani rainbow fish 2-2.5” £2.50ea or 12 for £25

Cold water:
Red goldfish £1ea
Black moor £1.50ea
Pearl scale goldfish £2.50ea
Butterfly goldfish £2ea

Contact Information
Advertiser: David
Town: widnes
County: Cheshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:07/08/17 Views: 2357]

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