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  ZMLtd: 30g Spirulina: food for fish, brine shrimp/sea monkeys

Description: This product is manufactured from the filamentous blue-green algae and can be used as a feed for brineshrimp, fish and shrimp larval stages. Spirulina has been shown to increase fertility and reproduction, better survival of larvae and fry, improve weight gain and growth rates, enhance colouration and stimulate appetites. Species fed spirulina include: Panaeid shrimps, Macrobrachium, tropical fish, catfish, koi, and carp.

Other uses:

* Sinking pellets can be made by mixing the powder with a little water to form a paste.

* The powder can also be mixed in with food moist food mixes for extra nutrition.

* Has been used for rotifer rearing in place of live phytoplankton.

Nutritional data:

* Protein: 65%

* Fats: 10%,

* Carbohydrates: 15%,

* Ash: 10%

Storage details:

Keep in airtight container in the fridge or cool dry place.


30g at £4.95 inclusive

150g at £12.53 inclusive


For other fry, granular, and pellet feeds visit our main website. The ZM feeds regularly feature in the Practical Fishkeeping magazine in breeders articles and recommended in the 'ask the experts' advice pages . see:

Contact Information
Advertiser: ZM
Telephone: 0780 858 4375
Town: Winchester
County: Hampshire
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:13/05/07 Views: 3268]

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