new stock (full list to follow)
torpedo barbs £4
male bettas £4
panda corys £3.50
clarius catfish 2" £6
glowlight danios £1.50 10 for £12
chocolate gouramis £4
neon blue dwarf gouramis £6 pair
cardinal tetra £1 10 for £8
neon tetra 10 for £6
male guppys (300+ to choose from) £1.50
female guppys ("" "") £1.50
swordtails (many varietys) £2
various mollys £2
electric blue ballon rams £6.99 (offer)
sailfin mollys lryretail £3
Asian rummynose (different) £3
assorted bicher £9.99
electric blue rams (large) £6
electric blue rams orange heads (xlarge) stunning! £12
uaru cichlids 2" £10
black hmpk fighters (males) £12
panda orandas £15
bamboo shrimp xxl £9.99
julii corydoras (large) £4
king blue tetra £2
Contact Information Advertiser: Steve h Telephone: 0191 4194534
Town: Sunderland
County: Tyne & Wear
Advert stats: [Added or updated:29/09/15 Views: 1974]
