Red Flame Male Guppy (Fantastic Colours)
Black Male Guppy
Assorted Female Guppy
Clown Loach
Silver Sharks
Neon Tetras
Blue Rams
Male Siamese Fighters
Congo Dwarf Frogs
Striped Talking Catfish
Spotted Talking Catfish
Albino Corydoras
Botia Lohachata- YoYo Loach
Botia Striata Green Stripe
Zebra Danios
Assorted Platy
Orange Variatus Platy
Assorted Molly
Black Swordtail
Tiger Barbs
Red Eye Tetras
Black Widow Tetras
Cobalt Blue Cochui Tetras
Lemon Tetras
Scissortail Rasboras
Gold Gourami
3 Spot Gourami
L-01 Gold Spot Plecostomus
Common Plecostomus
Golden Wonder Yellow Panchax (Huge Fantastic Examples)
L103 Clown Striped Plecostomus
Red Comet Goldfish
Assorted Fantail Orandas
Assorted Bunched Plants
Plus loads more already in stock.All are settled in and ready for sale so come down and have a look.
Don't forget to invite all your friends and family to the Face Book group https://www.facebook.com/CMLAquatics
everyone is welcome and the more people that help us out the more things we can do.
CML Aquatics Pets And Gardens
Shop 2 Cavendish Street
S40 1UY
Contact Information Advertiser: Robert Barber Telephone: 07413403988
Town: Chesterfield
County: Derbyshire
Web Link: https://www.facebook.com/CMLAquatics
Advert stats: [Added or updated:12/07/15 Views: 2190]
