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  L numbers south american cichlids and comunal fish

Description: Updated stock list and prices for sale Hartlepool;
L091 4 inch Beacon £25 each last 2 for £45
L124 6-7 inch Para £25 each
L128 Blue Phantom 5 Inch last one £25 each
L200 4 inch Hi Fin Green Phantom ££30 each 2 for £55
L239 3 Inch Blue Panaque £25 each 2for £45
L240 3.5 Inch Galaxy £25 each
L241 4 Inch Galaxy £30 each 2 for £55
2 inch Red Spot Severums £7.50 each
2 inch Notatatus Severums £5 each 1 left
2 inch Marble Angels £4 each 3 for £10
2 inch Smoke Angels £4 each 3 for £10
2 inch Diamant Angels £4 each 3 for £10
2 inch Chinese Algae Eater £2.50 each
1 inch mixed Guppies, Platty and Swordtails all £1 each
1 inch Blue Limia Livebearers £1.20 each
2 inch Denisoni Torpedo Barbs £4 each 3 for £10
1 inch Cherry Barbs £1.20 each
2 inch Silver sharks £2.50 each
1.5 inch Hoplo Catfish £2 each
1 inch Otto cats £2 each
1 inch Bronze Cory and Albino Cory £1 each
1.5 Inch Panda Cory £2 each
Adult Leucomelas Cory £5 each 3 for £12
Adult Sterbai Cory £8 each 3 for £20 7 for £40
Proven adult pair brown bristlenose £20 pair
young bristlenose £1.50 each
1.5 - 2 inch Electric Blue Jack Dempsey £15 each
2 inch plus Eliotti £5 each
1.5 - 2 inch Oscars £5 each
1.5 inch Electric Blue Rams £5 each
1.5 inch German Blue Rams £2.50 each
1.5 inch Red hump geos £2.50 each

Contact Information
Advertiser: Neil Clarke
Telephone: 07454 796195
Town: Hartlepool
County: Cleveland

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/05/15 Views: 2221]

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