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  Romsey World Of Water: New Tropical Livestock List 26/06/15

Description: Hey Guys!

This is our new tropical livestock list. If you have any queries, would like photos or would like to reserve something, please feel free to give us a call on: 01794515923

Yellow Peacock
£5.99 Each 2 For £10.00
Fuelleborn Cichlid
£10.99 Each 2 For £20.00
Assorted Large Cichlid
£15.99 Each 2 For £30.00
Geophagus Brasiliensis
£6.99 Each 2 For £12.00
Red Parrot Cichlid
£15.99 Each 2 For £30.00
Skunk Cory
£3.99 Each 2 For £7.00
San Juan Cory
£3.99 Each 2 For £7.00
Puntatus Cory
£3.99 Each 2 For £7.00
Assorted Guppies
£1.99 Each 6 For £10.00
Tri Colour Angel
£15.99 Each 2 For £30.00
Lace Angel
£15.99 Each 2 For £30.00
Dwarf Gourami
£4.99 Each 2 For £9.00
Serpae Tetra
£1.99 Each 6 For £10.00
Blue Rainbow
£6.99 Each 2 For £12.00
Boeseman Rainbow
£5.99 Each 2 For £10.00
Powder Blue Cichlid
£4.99 Each 2 For £9.00
Pakistaini Loach
£2.49 Each 5 For £10.00
Bronze Cory
£2.49 Each 5 For £10.00
Neon Teta
£1.99 Each 6 For £10.00
Rosy Barb
£4.99 Each 2 For £9.00
Red Torpedo Barb
£7.99 Each 2 For £14.00
Zebra Danio
£1.99 Each 6 For £10.00
Golden White Cloud Minnow
£1.99 Each 6 For £10.00
Silver Tip Tetra
£1.99 Each 6 For £10.00
Rummy nose Tetra
£2.49 Each 5 For £10.00
Red Lemon Swordtails
£3.99 each 2 For £7.00
Neon Red Platy
£1.99 Each 6 For £10.00
Black Phantom Tetra
£1.99 Each 6 For £10.00
Cardinal Tetra
£2.49 Each 5 For £10.00
Golden Barb
£1.99 each 6 For £10.00
Silver Shark
£3.99 each 2 For £7.00
Golden Algae Eater
£2.49 Each 5 For £10.00
Red Mollies
£4.99 Each 2 For £9.00
Cherry Shrimp
£2.49 Each 5 For £10.00
Albino Cory
£2.49 Each 5 For £10.00
Rock Shrimp
£3.99 Each 2 For £7.00
Cherry Barb
£2.49 Each 5 For £10.00
Panda Cory
£3.99 Each 2 For £7.00
£6.99 Each 2 For £12.00
Socolofi Cichlid
£6.99 Each 2 For £12.00
Indian Dwarf Puffer
£3.99 Each 2 For £7.00

Contact Information
Advertiser: Romsey World of Water
Telephone: 01794515923
Town: Romsey
County: Hampshire
Web Link:
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:26/06/15 Views: 3593]

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