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  Live Glassworms, drained on paper

Description: Glassworms/ White Midge Larvae

These see through water living creatures are the Larvae of non stinging Midges (Moskito = Stinging).

On offer are :

75g on Paper
150g on paper
250g on paper
500g on paper
1000g on paper

Carefully wrapping the larvae in paper allows to send much more for better shipping prices.

The larvae will be ok in the post for up to 3 days, but the casualty rate can be considerably higher.

A next day service ensures best quality arrival and less casualties.

Our price for next day shipping includes saturday delivery without the surcharge.

Glassworms are restocked every Friday (Next Day or Monday Shipping ), grown and delivered to us by a reputable aquatics supplier.

What to do on receipt of the goods:

After receiving the package, we recommend putting the paper on a tray or other deep dish (baking tray, flat food storage ...)
Open and unfold the paper on the tray straight away to let the larvae breathe
Springle or spray a little fresh water over the larvae
The larvae can be returned to water but should be used up within 1 week
A plastic bucket will do
A fine fish or artemia net will help harvest the larvae
We offer nets as well, if you need one - look through our other listings
They pupate and turn into adult midges if left too long
The adults are non stinging but can be a lot if the pupa hatch at the same time
The adult midges will be female - the male larvae look different
The male larvae are usually filtered out by the aquarium supply specialist

Contact Information
Advertiser: Monique Parker
Telephone: 07548125498
Town: Clydebank
County: Dunbartonshire
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:20/12/14 Views: 1766]

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