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  Various Tropical fish for sale

Description: Updated stocks list;
South and Central American Cichlids
2.5" Paraguay Geo £6.50 each,
3" Pearlscale £8 each 1 male £7
2.5" Rotkeil Severuns £4 each 3 for £10
1.5" Blue Rams £3 each 4 for £10
2" Thorichthys Ellioti £3 each
2" Cichlassoma Dovii £3 each
2" Red Terror £3 each
2" Red Devil £3 each
2" Green Acara £3 each
1.5" Midas £2 each

Various Catfish
3" Filamentosa Whiptail £7.50 each
2" Synodontis Multipuntatus £7 each
3" Brown Bristlenose £7.50 each
2" Spotted Raphael £6 each
2" Asian Bumblebee £5 each
2" Hoplo's £2.50 each
3" Glass Catfish £2.50 each
1" Sterbai Cory £2.50 each
1" Panda Cory £2.50 each
1" Nannus Cory £2.50 each
1" Elegans Cory £2.50 each
1/2" Pygmaeus Cory £1 each
1" Peppered Cory £1 each
1" Albino Cory £1 each
1" Otto Cat £2 each
1.5" Clown Loach £3 each
1.5" Skunk Loach £2 each
1.5" YOYO Loach £2 each

2" Silver Dollar £2 each
1" Endler Guppy £1.25 each
1" Lemon Tetra £1 each
3/4" cardinal tetra £0.70p each 10 for £6
2" Various Male and Female Guppy £1 each
2" Various Male and Female Swordtails £1 each

Contact Information
Advertiser: Neil Clarke
Telephone: 07454 796195
Town: Hartlepool
County: Cleveland

Advert stats: [Added or updated:16/10/14 Views: 1696]

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