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  Fish For You Hartlepool Tropical & Cold water fish sales pre-loved tanks bought n sold...

Description: Fish For You Hartlepool Tropical & Cold water fish sales pre-loved tanks bought n sold...
we have a large stock of tanks and equipment available in store today along with Tropical & cold water fish available Our motto = If we Dont have it in we will get you it...
Fish we have in at the moment..
*Brazilensis 2.5"
*Rio Negro Altifrons 4"
*Geophagus red hump earth eaters 2"
*Male dwarf Gourami 2"
*Red Rock Severum 4"-5" & 2"
*Jewel Cichlid 2"- 4"
*Red Spotted Severum 3"-4"
*Sajica 3"-4"
*Butterfly Plecs 1.5"
*Chinese sucking loach 2"
*Fire Eels 3"
*Assorted sword tails 0.5"
*Assorted Patty's 2"
*Yellow labs 1" - 3"
*Blue n red zebra's 2"-3"
*Red top ice blues 2"-3"
*Jack Dempsey's Breeding pair 3.5"
*Breeding pair Jack Dempsey's 3.5"
*Jalo reefs (small) 2"
*Jalo reefs (large) 3"
*mpanga (small) 1.5"
*white top harras 1.5"
*Arratus (yellow) 2.5"
*Arratus (blue) 2.5"
* Albino black ghost knife fish 6"
* Albino Bristle nose plec 2"
*3 spot gourami's 2"
*Blood red dwarf gourami's 2"
*Assorted mollies 2"
*Tinfoil barbs 1.5"-2"
*Kribensius 2"
*Black datum angels 3" x 4"
*Red shoulder manacupura angel 3"x 5" h
*Dantume altum angel 2.5" x 4" h
*Koi angels 2" x 3" h
*Blue acara 1.5"
*Corrydoras Agassi 2"
*Black widow tetra 1.5"
*Albino widow Tetra 1.5"
*Albino frogs 2.5"
*Neon tetras 1.2"
*Kuli loach 1.75"
*Apple snails lrge
*Harlequins rasbora 1"
*Whip tail plec 1.5"
*Blue cobra guppies 1.5"
*Assorted female guppies 1.5"
*Endler guppies (male) 1"
*Zebra danio's 1.5"
*Leopard danio's 1.5"
*Golden zebra danio's 1.5"
*Cherry barbs 1"
*Black neon tetra 1"
*Synodontis catfish 2"
*Chinese sucking loach 2"
*Livingston 2"
*Albino convict cichlids 2"
*Fire mouth cichlid 2"
*Garra ruffa 3"
*Yellow commits 2" - 2.5"
*Sarasa commits 1.5"
*Hill stream loaches 1"
*Red ryakins 1"
*Red oranda 1"
*Goldfish 1.5"
*Green tench 3"
Please follow the link below to our facebook page to veiw pic of tanks available starting from just £9.99 up over.
Thanks again

Contact Information
Advertiser: andrew dignen
Telephone: 07817791016
County: Cleveland
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:10/07/14 Views: 2583]

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