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  Aqua one Filter Media

Description: AquaOne 10448 Carbo Pad

Suitable for Fresh or Saltwater Use

Removes free-floating waste and debris

The Aqua One Phos Pad is a tighly woven chemical filter pad which absorbs residual medications, tannins released from driftwood and dissolved organics.

It also supplements any other chemical or biological filter media by removing free floating aprticles and colours by trapping them while polishing your water

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AquaOne 10449 ZEO PAD (Removes Ammonia)(Cut to size)

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Suitable for:-
Hang on Filters
Canister Filters
Trickle/Mini Reef Systems
Top Filters
Internal Filters
Pond Filters
and any other aquarium or pond filtration units.

AquaOne 10460 Phos Pad

Suitable for Fresh or Saltwater Use

Removes free-floating waste and debris

The Aqua One Phos Pad is a tightly woven chemical filter pad which absorbs phosphate from your aquarium water.

High phosphate levels within an aquarium is one of the major food sources for algae. Phosphate builds up over time as a result of too much or poor quality fish food, lack of regular water changes and decaying plant or animal matter.

Phos pad does not substitute for good aquarium keeping practices and should never be used as a preventative or treatment.

Cut to size and shape required

Contact Information
Advertiser: Richard
Telephone: 01323738941
Town: Eastbourne
County: Sussex
Web Link:
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Advert stats: [Added or updated:01/12/13 Views: 1515]

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