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  Peat & Clay beads with macro and Fe. Substrate boost for aquarium plants.

Description: PEAT & CLAY BEADS
with macronutrients and Iron

Peat & Clay beads is an excellent fertilizer to enrich the substrate in the macro and microelements . Beads are made of high quality clay mixed with peat .
The fertilizer contains :

MICROELEMENTS : Fe, Zn, Mn, Mg, Cu, B, Mo, W, Co.

The beads are heat treated and hardened in autoclave , so they do not dissolve in the water before you put them into the substrate and the water does not get an excess of ingredients that could cause immediate algae blooms . Also, autoclaving makes them sterile and germs free.

Peat & Clay beads have one big advantage. They gradually release nutrients into the substrate . The elements are not transferred to the water, but they stay in a substrate where they are immediately taken up by plant's roots. The beads are particularly recommended for plants with outspread root system like Cryptocorynes, Echinodorus, Vallisneria, Sagittaria and Tiger lotus.

Elements contained in our beads in combination with clay and peat perfectly nourish plants and are invaluable for their proper growth . Beads can be appreciated especially by aquarists applying only liquid fertilizers and having problems with algae.

To find out more, please visit my Ebay link, call me or send me an email.

Thank you!
Tomasz Dyl

Contact Information
Advertiser: Tomasz
Telephone: 07933946633
Town: Cambridge
County: Cambridgeshire
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:09/01/14 Views: 1624]

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