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  sale now on

Description: all betta males £15 each (except HM Dumbo)
all betta females £12.50 each
giant betta males £25 each
giant betta females £15 each
corys £2.50 each (c metae, c puntatus, c aneas, brochis )
cardinal tetras £2.00 each
leopoldi angels good size £10 each
marble hatchet fish £2.50 each
swordtails solid red £3.50 each
swordtails calico £3.50 each
guppies endlers £2.00 each
guppies black £2.00 each
ottos £2.50 each
various anubias plants £3.00 each
various african cichlids at £2.50 each (2" plus sizes )
lots of bare tanks at silly prices

based in leicester and able to send fish anywere in UK

Contact Information
Advertiser: Kash
Telephone: 07921855928
Town: leicester
County: Leicestershire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:06/05/13 Views: 2181]

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