We have weekly imports from Australia and Indonesia, at the moment I have 100's of Aqua-cultured and a good selection of wild Australian coral.
Here is an example of what is in stock
Bubble coral
Hammer corals, green and purple (small-Large)
Torch corals, purple and pink tips
Green Branching Duncans
Acanthophyllia (Button Coral)
Caulastrea - Candy Cane
Ricordea Florida
Acanthastrea lord.
Acanthastrea maxima
Green Sinularia
Mixed Coloured Zoa
Chalice corals - Various colours and sizes
Montipora sp. digitata, danae, verucossa, mollis
Various aquacultured SPS species, including some rare deep water Acropora species.
Wild Australian SPS, incl. Acropora, stylopora, Montipora,
Notable SPS Strawberry shortcake, Icefire echinata, A.spathulata. Pink Lemonade
Huge selection of LPS and SPS frags from £10-£12.50
Contact me on
Or have a look on Facebook for latest stock images and prices.
Contact Information Advertiser: Shaun Telephone: 07531956066
Town: Chippenham
County: Wiltshire
Web Link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shedmarine ...
Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/03/13 Views: 5056]
