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  East Midlands Aquatics..........TOTAL STOCK LIST

Description: neon tetra £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00
black neon tetra £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00
white cloud mountain minno £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00
cherry barb £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00
glowlight tetra £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00
lemon tetra £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00
pearl danio £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00
flame tetra £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00
penguin tetra £1.20 each 10x£7.00
harlequin £1.20 each 10x£7.00 30x£18.00
pristella tetra £1.99 each 6x£10.00
glass blood fin £1.99 each 6x£10.00
black ruby barb £2.99 each 4 x £10.00
rosy tetra £1.99 each 6x£10.00
ember tetra £1.99 each 6x£10.00
xl platy £2.50 each 5x£10.00
xxl rummy nose tetra £3.80 each 5x£15.00
female guppy £1.20 each 5x£5.00
xl male guppy £2.50 each 5x£10.00
red tail black shark £2.50 each
rainbow shark £2.50 each
male fighter fish £4.50 each
crown tail male fighter £6.00 each
xl wild cardinal tetra £2.50 each 10x£20.00
bleeding heart tetra xxl £6.00 each
angel fish £3.50 each
red male dwarf gourami £4.50 each
colbolt blue male dwarf gourami £4.50
natural blue tiger barbs £3.50 each
rosy barbs £3.00 each
neon red male longfin rosy barb £4.00 each
banded silver dolla £11.99 each 5x£50
black ancistrus £3.00 each
golden ancistrus £3.00 each
thai giant kuhli loach £2.99 each 4x£10.00
mixed aulonocara 3inch £10.00 each 5x£40.00
red spotted golden sevrum 3-4 inch £28.00 each 2x£50
synodontis decorus £8.00 each
corydoras wild xl leopard £6.99 each
corydoras sterbai large £8.99 each 3x£25.00
corydoras albino sterbai large £8.99 each 3x£25.00
corydoras metae £4.00 each
corydoras mellini £4.00 each 3x£10.00
corydoras punctatus £4.00 each
corydoras san juan £6.99 each
corydoras habrosus £1.50 each
corydoras peppered £2.00 each
corydoras albino £2.00 each
corydoras bronze £2.00 each
corydoras adolfoi £11.99 each 5x£50.00
bolivian rams xl £11.99 each 2x£22.00 4x£40.00
german rams xl £11.99 each 2x£22.00 4x£40.00
holland rams xl £11.99 each 2x£22.00 4x£40.00
discus 12cm £50.00 each
yamatoa shrimp xl £3.50 each
bamboo shrimp £3.50 each
L240 £39.00 each
L014 sun shine plec 3-4 inch £65.00
L067 £25.00 each 5-6 inch
L134 £34.00 each 3-4 inch
L066 £36.00 each 5-6 inch
L260 £35.00 each 3-4 inch
potted plants £3.00 each 4x£10.00
xxl potted anubias mother plants £18.00 each
frozen bloodworm 100g slab £1.99 each
lobster eggs 500g slab £14.00 each
beef heart with garlic 500g slab £14.00 each.

Contact Information
Advertiser: East Midlands Aquatics
Telephone: 01159300921
Town: Trowell
County: Nottinghamshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:02/08/13 Views: 5316]

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