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  cree coral growth lights STAR LIGHT III

Description: please contact using contact@aqualedlighting as mail from here goes in junk box

this is now available wireless controls

This is the latest addition to a very popular coral growing light it has Sd card for programming at your desk top and then pop it into controller and let it do its job
It has external control box and if you wish you can just control it with the remote control the programming can be found on our web site you will find it under star light same programming you can program your own sun rise sun set program or run 1 of the 4 seasons factory set program these lights can also be linked to one controller

The light is listed on the web site it has cree led chips xpe xpg it is has no fans so no noise it has a well designed heat sink for cooling its a very bright light with a hi par rating an lux suitable for sps and other corals

There is a posting on our face book page of the 216W 1200 model star light III model is like

Cree is the top selling Led chip and gives near perfect light spectrum for coral growth the prices below are cree we also have bridgelux at a cheaper price any enquirers contact via web site

600mm 36X3w white 10,000k 20pcs, blue 460nm 8pcs,moonlight 453nm 8pcs

900mm 48x3w white 10,000k 16pcs white 6500k 8pcs,blue 460nm 16pcs moonlight 453 8pcs

1200mm 72X3w white 10k 24pcs white 6.5k 16pcs blue 460nm 16pcs moonlight 453 16pcs

we are giving a 120 cm Cree star-light III wireless model
this is our latest light unit 3 channels and 24 stage dimming all you have to do is visit web site and like our face book page

3rd of the way there now so keep on liking pass the word to fellow aquarists

if you have not, go to our face book page and join in

Contact Information
Advertiser: Alby
Telephone: 07730894683
Town: northwest
County: Lanarkshire
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/06/13 Views: 1885]

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