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  Söchting Oxydators

Description: Oxydators

Seahorse Breeder (Marines by Post) is now the UK sole agent for the Söchting Oxydator range. We have been using these simple, but effective bits of kit for a considerable amount of time now and have seen the benefits of using them in heavily stocked breeding systems, creating heavy bio loads. With the additional use of probiotics to boost bio filters the amount of dissolved oxygen in a system can easily be depleted.

Using a patented method, Söchting Oxydators produce normal and activated oxygen in the aquarium by means of Oxydator solution and special ceramic catalysts. The activated oxygen decomposes particularly putrid matters and toxicants and, thus essentially improves the well-being of fish and plants. Pure oxygen created by the Söchting Oxydator is mostly immediately dissolved in the water, so that there are hardly any bubbles produced

Due to the Oxydator's oxidizing capacity, the water quality will be improved and harmful contaminants in the water will be neutralised and In the summer, it is effective at fighting algae. The benefits of adding hydrogen peroxide to an aquarium in cases of acute oxygen deficiency, water putrefaction and water turbidity, have been known for a long time.

New is the continuous and critically higher dose of hydrogen peroxide, which the Söchting Oxydator decomposes into oxygen (O2) and water (H2O).

Your aquarium's water quality will be fundamentally improved and problems such as those aforementioned will be greatly hindered. The Söchting Oxydator breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen:
2 H2O2 ---------------------------- 2 H2O + O2.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Aquaculture Supplies
Town: Shrewsbury
County: Shropshire
Web Link: ...
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Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/08/13 Views: 2046]

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