South Coast Marines is a company born out of a passion for ornamental marine husbandry. We believe that by utilising the science behind aquaculture and reef keeping we can provide our customers with the best service possible. We source our high quality livestock from a number of suppliers across the globe, and where possible have even been out to visit them personally.
If you would like any of the fish below, or just would like to come and see us, please call the shop on 01903 412739 or 07825 910752, from next week we will be able to ship any of these to your door.
Like us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SouthCoastMarines for the latest stock alerts & special offers.
4 Purple Tangs 3.5-4" : Zebrasoma xanthurum £90.00
Kole Tang : Ctenochaetus strigosus £35.00
Regal Tang (Large) : Paracanthurus hepatus £38.00
Regal Tang (Small) : Paracanthurus hepatus £25.00
5 Gold Striped Cardinal : Apogon cyanosoma £9.00
Dispar Anthias : Anthias dispar £25.00
Bicolour Angelfish : Centropyge bicolor SOLD
Koran Angel : Pomacanthus Semicirculatus £42.00
Six-Barred Angel Juv : Euxiphipops Sexstriatus £38.00
Zebra Angel : Genicanthus Lamarck £32.00
Cleaner Wrasse : Labroides Dimidatus SOLD
Striated Wrasse : Pseudocheilinus Evanides £15.00
Black-Spotted Puffer : Arothron Nigropunctatus SOLD
Scribbled Toadfish (Large) : Arothron Mappa £100.00
Black-Saddled Toby : Canthigaster Valentini £18.00
Long-Horned Cowfish : Lactoria Cornuta SOLD
White-Spotted Boxfish : Ostracion Meleagris £24.00
Matted Leatherjacket : Acreichthys Tomentosus £25.00
Scissortail : Ptereleotris Evides £11.00
Powder-Blue Surgeon : Acanthurus Leucosternon £35.00
24 Allen's Damselfish : Pomacentrus Alleni £5.00
6 Ocellaris Clowns : Amphiprion Ocellaris £12.00
Bright Yellow Clarkii (Indian Ocean) : Amphiprion Clarkii £24.00
Green Bird Wrasse : Male (pair) Gomphosus Coeruleus £32.00
Brown Bird Wrasse : Female(pair) Gomphosus Coeruleus £28.00
Striped Rock Blenny : Salarias Fasciatus £16.00
Clown Surgeon : Acanthurus Lineatus SOLD
2 Pink Skunk Clown : Amphiprion Perideraion £18.00
2 Skunk-Striped Clown : Amphiprion Akalopisos £18.00
4 Skunk-Striped Clown : Amphiprion Sandaracinos £18.00
Midnight Angel : Centropyge Nox £30.00
Majestic Angel Adult : 3-4" Euxiphipops Navarchus £80.00
Three-Spotted Angel : Apolemichtys Trimaculatus £45.00
Blue Side Wrasse : Cirrhilabrus Cyanopleura SOLD
Cleaner Wrasse : Labroides Dimidatus SOLD
Polkadot Boxfish : Ostracion Cubicus £21.00
4 Aiptasia Eating Filefish : Acreichthys Tomentosus (pair available) £25.00
Mardarin Dragonet : Synchiropus slendidus £20.00
24 Bangaii Cardinalfish : Pterapogon kauderni £16.00
Keyhole Angel : Centropyge Tibicen £25
Emperor Angel Juv : Pomacanthus Imperator £55
2 Blue cheek Goby Valenciennea Strigata £18
Porcupine Puffer : Oiodon Hystrix £30
Mandarin Fish : Pterosynchiropus Splendid us £20
Powder-Blue Surgeon : Acanthurus Leucosternon £35
Lipstick Tang : Naso Lituratus £28
Brown Sailfin Tang : Zebrasoma Scopas £25
Niger Triggerfish : Odonus Niger £25
3 Cleaner Shrimp : Lysmata Amboinensis £15
Purple with white tips Magnificent anemone (8" diameter) : Heteractis magnifica £55
Radioactive green Feather Duster : Bispira Spec. £10
22 Polkadot Hermits : Phimochirus Operculatus £4.50
If you would like any of the fish above, or just would like to come and see us, please call the shop on 01903 412739 or on mobile 07825 910752, from next week we will be able to ship any of these to your door.
Like us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SouthCoastMarines for the latest stock alerts & special offers.
If you are interested in any of our livestock, please feel free to give us a call or send an email and we will gladly send a picture or video.
Postage rates:
Next day before
12 - £13 + vat
10 - £19 + vat
9 - £25 + vat
Postage is for a 20kg box so if you wish to add any other fish or dry goods the rate is the same.
Contact Information Advertiser: SouthCoastMarines Telephone: 01903 412739
Town: Worthing
County: Sussex
Web Link: http://www.facebook.com/SouthCoastMarine ...
Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/08/12 Views: 2988]
