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  Livefoods mysis + river shrimp + more

Description: Mysis 100ml - £1.10
Enriched Brine Shrimp 100ml - £1.00
Baby Brine Shrimp 80ml - £0.90
Daphnia 100ml - £0.90
Bloodworm large 100ml - £0.95
Bloodworm small 100ml - £0.90
Tubifex 100ml - £0.90
Glassworm 100ml - £0.90
River Shrimps x 25 - £2.00
River Shrimps x 250 - £17.50

Pachnoda Grub x 10 = £2.00
Pachnoda Grub x 100 = £17.50
Pachnoda Grub x 200 = £30.00

Mealworms 500g - £6.00
Mealworms 1000g - £ 11.00
Mealworms 1500g - £16.00
Mealworms 2000g - £21.00
Mealworms 2500g - £26.00

Morio 500g - £12.00
Morio 1000g - £20.00
Morio 1500g - £28.00
Morio 2000g - £36.00
Morio 2500g - £44.00

Calcium Worms x 200 - £2.50
Calcium Worms x 400 - £4.50
Calcium Worms x 600 - £6.50
Calcium Worms x 800 - £8.50
Calcium Worms x 1000 - £10.50

Buffalo Worms 300g - £7.50
Buffalo Worms 600g - £14.00
Buffalo Worms 900g - £20.00
Buffalo Worms 1800g -£37.50

Blabitica Dubia 100 mixed adults - £25 delivered

Please contact for P&P

Contact Information
Advertiser: Andrew Cutler
Telephone: 07772024403
Town: walsall
County: West Midlands

Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/05/12 Views: 1780]

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