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Description: New stock arrived this week to add to the growing selection of fish stocks. newly refurbished with new large marine section coming in 4 weeks time.
come take a look
Green laser cory (be quick).
Gold laser cory.
Aspidoras C125 (very rarely seen).
Corydoras Weitzmani .
Scleromystax barbatus (fantastic fish)
black venuzualen cory (only few left)
orange venuzualen cory
cory similis
cory julii
cory schwartzi
red + black bristlenose (superb)
lemon bristlenose (2 left only)
albino bristlenose
longfin albino bristlenose
longfin bristlenose
very large male bristlenoses
nannocara anomala
rummy nose tetra
super blue kerri tetra
gold pristilla tetra
splendid killi
knife livebearer
metallic livebearer
red tail goodied (nice)
half moon red dragon betta
ancistrus super reds (need to be seen :)
badis badis reds (stunning little addition)
peacock gudgeon
frecklifin eels (only babies of around 3 inches)
pelvicachromis taeniatus moliwe (1 pair left)
red melon discus (nice colouration)
synodontis angelicus
electric blue rams ( truelly stunning ones not the usual )
pair blue guntheri killi
moscow black guppies (pairs, fully black males)
red delta guppies
come see us at
consett corals and aquatics
16 new market street
county durham
dh8 5lq
or telephone 01207 502 763
all our fish can be delivered to your door 24 hour delivery guaranteed arrival before noon the day after order is sent out . we only send out on a monday,tuesday,wednesday and thursday . this is the avoid any fish being held up in transit over weekend periods.

Contact Information
Advertiser: warren smith
Telephone: 07723573030
Town: co-durham
County: Durham

Advert stats: [Added or updated:27/04/12 Views: 3202]

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