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  malawis down at nautilus aquatics

Description: so new in this week
aluoncara dragons bloods £7.95 each 3 for £21.00

haplochromis moorii £7.95 each 3 for £21.00

aluonocara maleri £7.95 each 3 for £21.00

aluonocara jacofrabergi £7.95 each 3 for £21.00

aluonocara super red blotched £7.95 each 3 for £21.00

dwarf ram cichlids (size small) £2.95 each 3 for £7.50

dwarf ram cichlids (size large) £6.95 each 2 for £12.50

assorted small malawi cichlids £3.95 each 3 for £10.50

assorted medium malawi £5.95 each 3 for £15.00

assorted larga malawi/aluonocara £25.50 each 3 for £69.95
avaiable are sunset dragons blood males,aluonocara nyassa, nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus, red fin borelyi, super red orange blotch peacocks and many more these are a must see

tropheus duboisi £13.95 each

Contact Information
Advertiser: nautilus aquatics
Telephone: 01924864779
Town: wakefield
County: West Yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:09/04/11 Views: 2139]

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