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Description: so new in this week


albino glass tiger barbs £1.25 each 4 for £4.50

tiger barbs 95p each 6 for £5.00

golden barbs 95p each 6 for £5.00

silver sharks£2.95 each 3 for £7.50

silver sharks 4" £9.95 each 2 for £17.50


neon tetra £1.95 each 4 for £7.00 (large size)

black widow tetra £1.256 each 4 for £4.50


pengasius £2.95 each 3 for £7.50

corydoras schwartzi £3.95 each

columbian shark cats £8.95 each

plecostomus £2.95 each 3 for £7.50

3" plecostomus £3.95 each 2 for £7.00


dwarf cobalt males £3.95 each 2 for £7.00

female half moon fighters £4.95 each 3 for £12.50

knife fish

black ghost knife fish £6.95 each 2 for £12.50


aluonocara maleri £7.95 each 3 for £21.00

aluonocara jacofrabergi £7.95 each 3 for £21.00

aluonocara super red blotched £7.95 each 3 for £21.00

dwarf ram cichlids (size small) £2.95 each 3 for £7.50

dwarf ram cichlids (size large) £6.95 each 2 for £12.50

assorted small malawi £5.95 each 3 for £15.00

assorted larga malawi/aluonocara £25.50 each 3 for £69.95

these are must see

tropheus duboisi £13.95 each

we also have an oddity in a fresh water toadfish this animal

requires 2g of seasalt per litre of aquarium water ideal companions are malawi south american cichlids it costs £21.95 and is acurios animal to see

polypterus ornatapinnis £22.95 each 5"/6" size

Contact Information
Advertiser: nautilus aquatics
Telephone: 01924864779
Town: wakefield
County: West Yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:09/04/11 Views: 1989]

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