All of the following fish are settled and eating well, on sale this coming Saturaday 22nd Jan.
Albino Corydoras
Albino Cuivers Bichir
Apple Snails
Black Neon Tetra **69p for £5.00**
Blind Cave Characin
Blue Clams
Blue Emperor Tetra
Blue Lobster
Bristlenose Plecs **£1.99 or 3 for £5.00**
Bumble Bee Catfish
Celebes Halfbeak **Weird looking livebearer**
Celebes Rainbows
Clown Loach **4 for £10.00**
Clown Plecostomus
Corydora Elegans
Diamond Angels **Good Size**
Eight-banded Leporinusis **£5.99 2 for £10.00**
Glass Bloodfins
Golden White Cloud Mountain Minnows
Honey Gourami (Red)
Longfin Leopard Danio
Longfin Zebra Danio
Neon Tetra **69p or 10 for £5.00**
Pacific Blue Eyes **Stunning Fish**
Panda Corydoras
Penguin Tetra
Pepper Corydoras
Pigeon Blood Discus **Stunning Fish, Feeding Well**
Rainbow Sharks
Red Line Torpedo Barb **Stunning Fish only £9.99 2 for £15 or 3 for £20**
Red Tail Catfish
Serpae Tetra
Siamese Algae Eaters
Silver Sharks
Spotted Headstanders **Wonderful fish**
Sulawesi Snails **Lovely coloured Algae Eaters**
Tiger Barb
Turquoise Discus **Stunning Fish, Feeding Well**
Vampire Plecostomus (L007) **Good Size 3-4"**
White Ghost Knife Fish **Different from the norm**
Zebra Loach
Contact Information Advertiser: Mark Wake Telephone: 01482 844168
Town: Hull
County: East Yorkshire
Web Link: http://www.northfieldaquatics.co.uk
Advert stats: [Added or updated:20/01/11 Views: 2789]
