We at Planted Tanks are looking for high grade Aquatic shops across Scotland to retail our plants. We are looking for strategic retail outlets such as yourselves to be one of our key locations.
We have sent approximately 23% of our sales to Scotland alone during the last 8 months, as clearly there are people looking for good quality aquatic plants at reasonable prices.
As part of our move to wholesale, we are offering you the chance to be included in our regular advertising campaign in Practical Fish Keeping magazine as one of the shops who stock our plants.
Check out Issue 1 2011 on page 109 of PFK.
We further campaign in a bi-monthly publication, Aquascaping World. We are platinum sponsors and command a full page advert, A4 size plus advertising on their website and forum. This publication is global and is sent electronically to their 5500 strong forum members. Aquascaping World will also be producing a hard copy in the near future, but we are awaiting confirmation of the print dates.
Below are two links one to our website and one to PFK where we an article running at the moment due to be printed in months issue.
To be a part of this already growing new wholesale business and to discuss a preferential discount please contact:
Mark Reed
Sales Manager – Scotland
Phone: 07920 440294
Email: mark@plantedtanks.co.uk
Contact Information Advertiser: Mark Telephone: 07920440294
Town: Glasgow
County: Argyllshire
Web Link: http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/co ...
Web Link: http://www.plantedtanks.co.uk
Advert stats: [Added or updated:19/01/11 Views: 1982]
