FISH AVAILABILITY LIST ON SALER 18 DECEMBER 2010. Our stock lists are updated as often as possible, but if you are coming a long way please call us to check that the item is still instock and avoid disappointment
2 Spot Goby
50/50 Gramma
6 Bar Angel Juvenile
Aligator Pipefish
Andersons Pipefish
Arc-Eye Hawkfish
Bicolour Angel
Bi-Colour Angel
Bi-Colour Blenny
Blue Face Angel Juvenile
Chocolate Tang
Clarki Clowns
Cleaner Wrasse
Clown Goby
Disappearing Wrasse
Dog Faced Puffer
Dragon Wrasse
Dwarf Lionfish
Eye Lash Blenny
Flagfin Angel
Flashback Gramma
Fuzzy Lion
Green Chromis
Harlequin Sweetlips
Lawnmower Blenny
Leopard Wrasse
Longfin Batfish
Occelaris Clowns
Okinawe Goby
Orange Shoulder Tang
Orange Striped Goby
Orbiculate Cardinal
Oriental Sweetlips
Picasso Trigger
Pinnatus Batfish
Porcupine Puffer
Porcupine Puffer
Powder Brown Tang
Pygo Angel
Pyjama Cardinal
Pyjama Tang
Pyjama Wrasse
Pyramid Butterfly
Pyramid Butterfly
Randalls Goby
Red Fire Fish
Regal Tang
Royal Dotty Back
Royal Gramma
Saddleback Clowns
Sailfin Tang
Scopas Tang
Sebae Clown
Silver Streaked Grunt
Singapore Angel
Skunk Clown
Solorensis Wrasse
Spine Cheeked Clown
Spotted Mandarin
Stars and Stripes Puffer
Striped Mandarin
Tiger Jaw Fish
Tomato Clown
Tomminncks Fairy Wrasse
Vlamings Surgeon
Volatans Lionfish
White Spot Grouper
White Tail Damsel
Yellow Pseudochromis
Yellow Stripe Cardinals
Yellow Tail Damsel
Yellow Watchman Goby
Zebra Dartfish
Zebra Lionfish
Blood Shrimp
Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
Boxer Shrimp
Green Brittle Star
Harlequin Starfish
Kuda Seahorses/Reidii
Mythrax Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Red Leg Hermit Crabs
Red Leg Starfish
Sand Sifting Starfish
Serpent Starfish
Turbo Snails
Contact Information Advertiser: Mark Wake Telephone: 01482 844168
Town: Hull
County: East Yorkshire
Web Link: http://www.northfieldaquatics.co.uk
Advert stats: [Added or updated:16/12/10 Views: 2629]
