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Description: Hello and welcome to are sale of 50
grams of brine shrimp eggs,
in our opinion there is no better first food than newly hatched brine shrimp for your discus fry, now the brine shrimp eggs for sale are the same that all are community of hobbyist use.
harvested from the great salt lake, utah, usa. we only use premium grade at an excellent hatch rate of 90%, we are regularly asked if we can supply brine shrimp eggs and thought it right and proper for the hobby to oblige, the eggs will come in a sealed container, and the brine shrimp egg contents will weigh no less than 75 grams, there will be hatching instructions with every package, we pride are selves on our free delivery, and this sale is no different, its free delivery to your door within the uk, please note that this sealed unit container of brine shrimp eggs will not fit through the traditional letter box. if we receive payment by 1700 weekdays post office willing you should receive it the following day, This first food is the best way possible to increase survival rate, fry readily and greedily accept newly hatched brine shrimp, your fish will increase in size rapidly, and with frequent water changes can only be the best for the incredible beauty of the discus that we are so passionate about, now it is fair to say there are quite a few hatcheries on the market for brine shrimp eggs, all good i may add, though are way is an upside down pop bottle, with the bottom cut out, an air line in down to the bottom, (that is the screw top end), you can use the part you have cut out as the base to hold the bottle, we use quite a bit so use water bottles, please note the added pictures as an example of how we do ours, also tips are do not use to many eggs, watch the temperature when hatching, follow the instructions, and only use sea salt, or marine salt from an aquatic outlet,store your dried eggs in there airtight container in the fridge, and then when you feed your discus this fantastic food watch the growth rate,
it is truly amazing, and you can see there bellies full, happy discus keeping!
from all of us at

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Advertiser: number1discus
Town: south west
County: Devon
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Advert stats: [Added or updated:21/05/12 Views: 2284]

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