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  Marine Fish Avaliable This Week (Mailorder)

Description: Please find this weeks marine stocklist, other fish are avaliable please email me to let me know what you are looking for

Emperor Angelfish Juvenile £60.00
Koran Angelfish Juv (s) £25.00
Regal Angelfish £60.00

Flame Dwarf Angel £70.00
Midnight Pure Black Dwarf Angel £25.00
Yellow Fiji Dwarf Angel £38.00
Coral Beauty Dwarf Angel £28.00
Rusty Dwarf Angel £22.00

Orange Female Anthias £14.00
Tuka Anthias £18.00
Square Pink Spot Anthias £35.00

Purple Gramma £17.00
Purple Backed Gramma £17.00

Arc Eye Hawkfish £25.00
Freckled Hawkfish £18.00

Brown Volitans Lionfish £30.00
Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish £20.00

Harlequin / Clown Sweetlips £32.00

Regal Tang MEDIUM £40.00
Lipstick Tang - Juvenile £24.00
Sailfin Tang £35.00
Yellow Mustard Tang £25.00

Bangaii / Emperor Cardinalfish £20.00

Percula Clownfish 8.00
Percula Clownfish LARGE £10.00
Pink Skunk Clown £15.00

Domino Damsel £5.00
Yellow Belly Damsel £5.00
Yellow Tail Blue Damsel £5.00
Blue Velvet Damsel £9.00

Purple Firefish £24.00

Yellow Coral Goby £12.00
Jewelled Rockskipper £17.00
Scooter / Scorpion Blenny £14.00

Clown Trigger TINY £65.00
Black / Redtooth Trigger £16.00
Undulatus Triggerfish £35.00
White Triggerfish £18.00

Cleaner Wrasse £14.00
Sixline / Pyjama Wrasse £14.00

Racoon Butterfly £25.00

Remora Shark Sucker £100.00

Cleaner Shrimp £18.00
Dancing Shrimp £12.00
Tiger Shrimp £14.00

Bali Eco Friendly Living Rock £10.00per kilo

Livestock and rock avaliable for collection from slough or delivery across the country (charges apply) please email or call me to order or for further information



07793 589601

Contact Information
Advertiser: Martyn
Telephone: 07793589601
Town: slough
County: Berkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:07/07/10 Views: 3716]

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