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  Marine-Life South-West (TheFragMan) Live Coral & Fish

Description: The Fragman – Marine Life for the South-West!

The Fragman is a retail supplier for all marine life. Trade enquiries are welcome. Based in Newton Abbot, South Devon, we are able to supply an extraordinary range of;

Soft Corals
Hard Corals (LPS & SPS)
Invertebrates (Shrimp, Crabs & Snails)
Live Rock
Special order items

As we have many suppliers based all over the world, we are able to source an extra large range of marine life to not only beginners, but also the avid marine reef keeper!

With a specialist 1400ltr LPS & SPS display system, there is no shortage of space for these sought-after corals, as over 200 specimens may be kept at any one time. This is not to mention the 800ltr fish-only system, and the 1200ltr soft coral system.
Over 400 live corals kept in stock on a constant basis, as well as a good variety of fish and reef-safe species of crabs and sessile invertebrates. If we do not have what you are after in stock, we are able to individually source the majority of species to your own requirements.

All live corals are quarantined and pre-treated for a variety of undesirable organisms, including Aiptasia anenome's, Flatworm and general bacterial infestations. This is achieved by a strict acclimatisation process, along with specific targeted treatments.

A base level of Iodine is kept in all systems for the sterilisation and re-generation of damaged coral tissue. Copper is dosed to the fish-only system for sterilisation on a weekly basis.

- Clownfish from £9.50 each (2 for £15)
- Chromis from £4.20 each (10 for £35)
- Frag pack bundles from £25.00;
Soft coral frag pack consisting of 5 frags between 2x2” in size - £25.00
LPS coral frag pack consisting of 5 frags of 2-4 heads on each - £35.00
Soft corals ranging between £12.00 - £35.00
Hard corals ranging between £18.00 - £50.00 and up (dependant on rarity and species)
Sponges and Tunicates also kept in stock from £10.00 each
Hermit crabs, Snails and Shrimp
- Spend over £100, get £5.00 worth of 'clean up crew' free (equivalent to 2 hermit crabs or 2 turbo snails)

Jon Davis – ND in Fish health, Husbandry, Aquatic Eco-Systems & Water Management

Open For Business – By Appointment Only. (For the time being)

Email –
Mobile – 07912935652

Email Jon Davis to ask for the current up-to-date in-stock lists, as well as pre-order lists.

First-time customers will receive a 5% loyalty card for purchases on all live stock.

A 24hour guarantee applies to all livestock purchased. That's 24 hours more than most shops! (Evidence of the deceased is required by photograph). Any claims made after the 24 hours are up, will regretfully not be refunded (unless under exceptional circumstances).

Check out my profile page on the link on the bottom right of this page - lots of pictures being uploaded every day!!!

The Frag Man Livestock In-Stock list June 2010

Soft Corals: Qty: Price: (£)
Yellow Polyps (s) 3 13
Yellow Polyps (l) 1 18
Green Star Polyps 4 25
Green Skin Star Polyps 1 25
Clove Polyps (m) 3 20
Clove Polyps (l) 1 30
Green Clove Polyps 2 25
Jasmin Star Polyps 4 24
Button Polyps Brown 1 18
Zoanthid 3 18
Pink Zoanthid 1 25
Green Zoanthid 1 20
Coral Polyp Garden (L) 1 45
Marble Mushroom 3 22
Lettuce Coral 2 15
Blue Xenia 5 22
Green Stripe Mushroom 1 23
Green Watermelon Mushroom 2 23
Green Furry Mushroom 2 25
Brown Furry Mushroom 2 20
Giant Cup Mushroom (s) 1 25
Cladiella Tree Coral (m) 2 22
Cladiella Tree Coral (l) 1 28
Sinularia Dura 1 18
Sinularia Asterobolata 1 18
Toadstool Leather (m) 3 22
Toadstool Leather (l) 1 35
Feather Duster (l) 7 8
Various Frags 10 8

Hard Corals:
Slipper Coral Green (m) 1 35
Red Fungia 1 35
Montastrea (flourescent) 2 42.5
Green Bubble 1 35
Flourescent Green Trumpet 2 27.5
Green Trumpet (20+ heads) 2 35
Galaxea Green 1 28
Favia (s) Green 1 25
Favia (l) Green 1 40
Std. Bubble (XXL) 1 70

Fish & Inverts:
Copperband Butterfly 2 30
Yellow Bellied Damsel 3 5.5
Clownfish (Percula) 1 10
Tomato Clown 4 12
Vagabond Butterfy 3 20
Green Chromis 6 4.5
Sulphur Goby 2 13
Blue Spot Cheek Goby 2 14
Algae Blenny 2 14
Fire Shrimp 2 18
Cleaner Shrimp 10 12
Peppermint Shrimp 8 10
Blue Leg Hermit Crab 10 2.5
Turbo Snail (l) 10 2.5

Contact Information
Advertiser: Jon Davis
Telephone: 07912935652
Town: newton abbot
County: Devon
Web Link:!/prof ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:29/07/10 Views: 4506]

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