world of water widnes has one of the largest stocks of community tropical in widnes
Tetras/Rasbora:-, neon, black neon, rummynose, bleeding heart, cardinal, ruby, serpae, pristella, congo, yellow tail congo, bloodfin, red eye, lemon, black widow, silver tip, gold, harlequin, scissortail.
Barbs:- golden, cherry, odessa, tiger, albino tiger barbs, green tiger barbs, rosy barbs, t barb, spanner, tinfoil.
Rainbowfish:- red irani, blue, boesemani, parkinsoni, dwarf neon,
Mollies, guppies, platties, swordtails most types stocked.
Corydoras:- bronze, peppered, albino,panda, sterbai, jullii, plus others.
Sharks:- silver, albino, rainbow, red tail black,.
Loaches:- clown, tiger,
Gouramis:- golden, blue, opaline, pearl, dwarf species, chocolate.
Dwarf cichlids:- rams, chromides, rams
fish stock changes weekly so new and different stock always coming in. if travelling for a perticula fish please phone first
Contact Information Advertiser: world of water widne Town: widnes
County: Cheshire
Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/11/09 Views: 2353]
