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  Reef Flourish Live Concentrated Phytoplankton

Description: Our concentrated live phytoplankton has been blended to feed and benefit all marine life in your aquarium including zooplankton.

Partial sizes are from 1-20 microns and contains NO PRESERVATIVES. Our concentrate is so strong 1ml contains approx 2 billion cells

Reef Flourish is a complete algae replacement and contains the following blend:

Isochrysis 25%
Pavlova 20%
Tetraselmis 20%
Thalassiosira weissflogii (TW) 15%
Nannochloropsis 20%

Key Benefits
Highest cell count per milliliter of any retail plankton feed
5 algae species ranging from 1-20 microns to feed a larger range of consumers
3 month storage life

Is Reef Flourish alive?
Yes this product is live.

Benefits of Usage:
Aquariums with less than optimum nutritional foods inhibit an organism's ability to grow and reproduce. Flake and frozen foods are sized for larger organisms, but this diet does a poor job of establishing a marine food "web". With phytoplankton feeding it is necessary to avoid a "one cell type fits all" approach. Phytoplankton with its range of plankton sizes and nutritional profiles, has proven to be a key to success for starting the dynamic marine food web.

To sum it all up: Reefphyto's Reef Flourish meets the complete feeding needs of a marine aquarium.

Benefits of concentrated phytoplankton:

• Brighter colored corals
• Faster coral growth
• Greater polyp extension
• Increased number of micro fauna
• Increased zooplankton and copepod populations
• Mysid populations will bloom due to the increase in copepods

Our concentrate is high in EPA and ARA, but low in DHA and is ideal for oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops, sea squirts, soft corals, brine shrimp, copepods, sea urchins and other filter feeders.

Please click on the links below for more information and pricing.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Darren Wordley
Telephone: 01633 328 046
Town: Newport
County: Somerset
Web Link: ...
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:27/03/16 Views: 4039]

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