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  Aquarium Plant Food, Ei Starter Kits, Ei Dry Salts, Potassium Nitrate, Potassium Phosphate, Aquarist Classified Discount Code

Description: APf Aquarium Plant Food

APF Aquarium Plant Food contains all essential nutrients needed including Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus. However unlike the other Aquarium fertilisers available it is provided in dry form ready for mixing at your own leisure.

APF Aquarium Plant Food is suitable for any aquarium with any number of plants. It is particularly useful if you have a large amount of plants in relationship to a small number of fish, because in this environment the plants can lack Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus which would normally be supplied by fish waste.

APF Aquarium Plant Food is mixed to ensure a balanced blend of nutrients, which include Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus and Trace elements, that the plants can readily absorb through their leaves, to promote luxurious growth.

APF Aquarium Plant Food is added on a daily basis at 5ml per 50ltr’s of Aquarium water, ensure you keep a close eye on Algae levels as most Algae require the same conditions as our beloved Aquarium Plants.

APF Aquarium Plant Food will need mixing with boiled and cooled tap water, simply put the APF Aquarium Plant Nutrition +++ into a dosing bottle, add water and shake.

APF Aquarium Plant Food products have been pH adjusted to retard growth of mould. Store in a cool dark place. Storage under refrigeration may lengthen storage life. A slight precipitate may form. This is not harmful in any way, and does not detract from nutrient qualities of product. Any precipitate should be dissolved in minutes after addition to aquarium. SHAKE WELL before using. Will last upto 6 months once mixed.

APF Aquarium Plant food IS Shrimp safe.

Ei Dry salts now for sale.

Now with NEW Aquarist Classifieds Discount Code, enter AC-10 in the checkout area (you must be logged into your account) for a 10% discount (excluding shipping)

Contact Information
Advertiser: John Whelan
Telephone: 000000000
Town: Bakewell
County: Derbyshire
Web Link: ...
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Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/04/17 Views: 4838]

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