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  Are your aquarium plants growing as well as they could be?

Description: JJC Aquatics are pleased to announce that we now stock the Ocean Nutrition range of Giovanni’s Plant Nutrition products in our ebay shop. We’ve chosen these fertilizers after some extensive testing in our stock tanks. Many of our customers spend significant amounts of money on our plants but don’t actually feed them and thus they don't achieve their full potential. To ensure healthy growth and good colouration they must be given the correct nutrients. Below is a little bit of information from Ocean Nutrition we hope you will find helpful. Please get in touch if you have any queries.

About the Ocean Nutrition Giovanni Plant Nutrition range.

For over 20 years, Mr. Giovanni Zampaglione has been involved in planted aquarium tanks, evolving from hobbyist to professional and finally producer and exporter of plants. Over the years, he developed a full range of plant nutrition for his own use. Ocean NutritionTM acquired this exclusive home made formula, improved it and made it available in a unique product range: The Giovanni's Plant Nutrition Products. To learn more about Mr. Giovanni, visit [url][/url]

Giovanni’s Fertil +

Information provided by Ocean Nutrition :-

Major macro-elements are essential for plant growth. While these elements occur in sufficient quantities in natural water, they get quickly consumed in the confines of the aquarium. These macro-elements need to be added on a very regular basis (weekly or even daily) to keep the plants thriving. Fertil+ will supplement these elements and at the same time increase the buffer capacity of the water, preventing over-acidification. The product contains Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Sulphur (S) and Calcium (Ca).
The main advantages of Giovanni’s Fertil+ are as follows:
· Contains essential macro-elements (including Potassium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Calcium) for the proper growth and development of aquatic vegetation
· Increases the buffer capacity of the water, and therefore, prevents over-acidification of the water.
· Prevents yellowing of the leaf tips and whitening of the leaf edges.
· Prevents new leaves from growing pale and yellow.
· Does not contain nitrates or phosphates as these are added to the water through the fish waste. Too high levels will cause algal bloom.
· This product is not only beneficial for all kinds of aquatic plants, but also creates a more natural environment for the fish.

This product is& available in 125 ml bottles with integrated measuring area. The recommended quantities are 1 ml per day for every 100 liters (approx. 25 gallons) of water or 1 ml per week for every 10 liters (approx. 2.5 gallons) of water. For best results, we strongly advise to use the product in combination with Giovanni’s Plant Nutrition Trace+.

Contains Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Sulphur (S) and Calcium (Ca).

Giovanni’s Trace +

Information provided by Ocean Nutrition :-

Although aquatic plants require only very small quantities of various trace elements, these elements are essential for health and play a very important role to sustain life. Indeed, they are required in minute amounts to sustain normal growth and development and for the correct functioning of vital enzyme systems. The most important trace elements contained in Trace+ are Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Boron (B), Molybdenum (Mo) and Vanadium (V).
The main advantages of Giovanni’s Trace+ are as follows:
· Contains a mixture of chelated and non-chelated micro-elements vital to the flourishing growth and development of aquatic plants.
· Prevents the deformation and stunted growth of young leaves, yellowing of the margins and deterioration of new shoots.
· Prevents spiral growth of the leaves.
· Prevents paling of old leaves and maintains green veins.
· Prevents chlorosis, a yellowing or whitening of plant leaves and stems.
· Prevents the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves.
· This product is not only beneficial for all kinds of aquatic plants, but also creates a more natural environment for the fish.

This product is available in 125 ml bottles with an integrated measuring area. The recommended quantities are 1 ml per day for every 100 liters (approx. 25 gallons) of water or 1 ml per week for every 10 liters (approx. 2.5 gallons) of water. For best results, we strongly advise using the product in combination with Giovanni’s Plant Nutrition Fertil+.

Contains the following micro-elements:
Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu),
Boron (B), Molybdenum (Mo), Vanadium (V).

Giovannis’s Iron +

Information provided by Ocean Nutrition :-

Plants need iron to produce chlorophyll, a pigment in plants that gives them their green or red color and that absorbs the light necessary for photosynthesis. Iron is already included in Giovanni’s Trace+ but additional supplement will be needed in case the tank contains a more than average number of plants. In addition, this product is excellent for new aquariums as it will enhance the colonization of beneficial bacteria in the filter. Iron+ contains chelated iron that is stable at a pH range of 4 to 8. The recommended level of iron in planted aquaria should be between 0.5 and 1 mg/l.
The main advantages of Giovanni’s Iron+ are as follows:
· Contains chelated iron which is extremely soluble in water and has been stabilized to avoid oxidation.
· Prevents cholorosis, a yellowing or whitening of plant leaves and stems.
· Enhances the green and red coloration of the aquatic plants.
· Stimulates the development of new stems.
· Excellent for new aquariums as it will enhance the colonization of beneficial bacteria in the filter.
· Ideal product for heavily planted aquaria

This product is available only in 125 ml bottles with an integrated measuring area. The recommended quantities are 1 ml per day for every 100 liters (approx. 25 gallons) of water or 1 ml per week for every 10 liters (approx. 2.5 gallons) of water, but these are directional values only. Actual dosing will depend on many factors, like the types and the number of plants. For best results, we advise using the product in combination with Giovanni’s Plant Nutrition Fertil+ and Trace+.

Contains chelated iron that is stable at a pH range of 4 to 8.

Giovanni's Fertil CAPS

Information provided by Ocean Nutrition :-

The Fertil Capsules are ideal for plants with a highly developed radical apparatus that needs to obtain an important part of the nutrition through the roots. The capsules need to be inserted in the substrate close to the root system of major plants, while taking care to spread the capsules evenly over the tank surface. They will dissolve in the water, releasing the content in the substrate. 10 capsules are sufficient for an aquarium of 60x40cm (24x16in).

Each pack contains 30 caps.

We highly recommend the use of Giovanni’s Trace+ when growing plants that require additional trace elements in order to reach their full potential such as Riccia fluitans and moss balls. The latter will grow bigger if given these.

We also recommend the use of Giovanni’s Iron+ if you are keeping plants with red foliage. The iron supplement increases and deepens the plants colouration but is particularly noticeable with red leaves.

Click on the links below to buy now.

Contact Information
Advertiser: JJC Aquatics
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Town: Sheffield
County: South Yorkshire
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Advert stats: [Added or updated:17/09/08 Views: 1951]

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