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  Easy grow plant selection. 25 Fresh, healthy plants just £4.95!

Description: 25 Easy grow live aquarium plants.

We're different from other generic plant pack sellers. Read on!

Actual plants pictured.

In stock. We don't keep you waiting while we wait for our orders to arrive.

Our packs include mosses and floating plants. Not the cheapest generic specimens like others.

JJC Aquatics started it's ebay venture by offering aquatic hobbyists rare and unusual plant species. We did this as it's often difficult for hobbyists to find some of the more unusual plants in their local fish shop. Today are range has grown, we have many returning customers. Read our plant feedback to see how satisfied our clients have been with their purchasers. Now, due to popular demand from our clients we have started offering plant collections. We will be introducing more plant collections over the coming weeks, so please keep looking.

Our easy grow plant pack will consist of something a little bit more exciting than the generic plant sellers on ebay. We want to include a couple of floating plants in each pack. A small amount of moss etc. We think your aquarium will benefit from the variety after all. If however, you don't want any moss or floating plants, simply send us a message and we'll send you 25 more conventional aquatic plants instead. How long will it be before others copy us?

Depending on seasonal availability etc, you will receive the following :-

2 floating plants from the following species

Salvinia natans

Salvinia onlongifolia

Hydrocharis dubia

Hydrocleis nymphaeoides

Plus many more.

A small portion of moss. Either java (Vesicularia dubyana), christmas (Versicularia montagnei) or weeping (Versicularia ferriei). Admittedly, this will be a small amount. Enough to get you started as it's expensive to buy in. However, we want you to get maximum value for money.

Regular plants including

Amazon swords

Cryptocoryne becketti

Cryptocoryne parva

Cryptocoryne lucens

Echinodorus amazonica

Echinodorus bleheri

Echinodorus tenellus

Ludwigia arcuata

Ludwigia palustris

Elodea densa

Rotala indica

Rotala wallichii

Vallisneria americana

Vallisneria spiralis

And about 50 other species depending on season. We can't guarantee exactly what you will receive with each pack. But we can guarantee high quality fresh specimens and superb customer service.

Click on the link below to buy now.

Contact Information
Advertiser: JJC Aquatics
Telephone: 0000000000000
Town: Sheffield
County: South Yorkshire
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:29/12/08 Views: 2162]

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