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Description: Well I have to confess I stumbled across this amazing food purely by accident.
I make carp bait and only use top quality protein and fishmeal ingredients for my baits, I have been a Tropical fish keeper for over 20 years and have bred Discus, Coryadoras, Betta's, Oscars and your usual live bearers.
It was about 8 months ago I was making an easily digestible boilie mix for the Carp when I got the mix wrong considering how much all this ingredients cost I thought I would utilize it with my Tropical fish (I have 4 tanks and they comprise of a Big tank of discus +cory's, tank of livebearers a tank of breeding cory's and a tank with angels and live bearer fry).
Now the mix is high protein with added spirulina and fishmeal and a couple of natural fish attractors. When this powder is mixed with water it creates a course paste that does not cloud the water, When I first dropped it in the water the fish went crazy, all the livebearer fry came out of their hidyholes to find and consume this new food. Now I have been keeping fish a long time and usually have to starve the fish in order to get them to eat a new food, Every fish in my community tank were feeding on this food all together (with the odd squable).I gave my Discus the food and the same reaction was taken they were even rumaging about in the gravel for thirty minutes later to find it, the cory's just stay on it.
You have to try it to believe it. I obviously kept a close eye on the nitrate/nitrite/ammonia and they all kept stable ("0" Ammonia/ 20ppm nitrate/ nitrite "0").

I am selling this food in 60g bagS , just mix the powder with water and mix enough for a couple of days. You too will be mazed how your fish react AND HOW QUICK THEY GROW.

Contact Information
Advertiser: alan
Telephone: 07811266479
Town: Lichfield
County: Staffordshire
Web Link: ...
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Advert stats: [Added or updated:05/07/08 Views: 2535]

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