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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  30 gallon Quality Tropical Freshwater/coldwater set-up

Description: Complete 30 Gallon set-up which was used for a successful tropical freshwater community aquarium. I am Giving up the hobby (for now) due to university and typical time/finance issues!
The set-up is tried and tested, with several years successful use. Included is everything you will need except water and fish!
-48x12x15 clearseal aquarium (6mm glass, excellent condition) with backing
-Black ash stand in good condition, with shelf
-Black aluminium hood with daylight and moonlight lighting
-Eheim 2213 external powerfilter
-Rena 400 dual outlet airpump
-Rena 300watt heater/thermostat
-rena 150watt heater (spare)
-Cover trays
-30kg (more than enough) natural and quartz cut black granular gravel (over £50 worth)
-fine natural sand (aquarium suitable)
-approx. 20kg natural slate (Grey/oxide red)
-Bogwood/Mopani (aquarium suitable)
-foods, remedies, water additives etc
-Books, instruction manuals
-spare filter media & activated carbon
-Plumbing, buckets, nets etc.....
As you can see, this is everything I have needed to run the tank to date. It is of course the purchasers choise, but it could be set up and run using only what is included with this listing!
I beleive all this equipment has cost me well in excess of £500, excluding money spent on fish and plants.
Located in Banstead, Surrey (approx. 15 miles south of london)
Call 07894 122 547 (mobile) or 0208 642 7567
£150 o.v.n.o

Contact Information
Advertiser: James
Telephone: 07894122547
Town: Banstead
County: Surrey

Advert stats: [Added or updated:24/02/07 Views: 2938]

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