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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Full marine set up including the fish

Description: If your looking to start keeping marine fish but not sure what you need then this is for you!

This ad has everything you need to get going straight away no need to wait for the water to mature, you can add fish instantly!!!
Give me a call and the its yours!!!
Here is a chance to buy a complete up and running mature Marine Fish Aquarium Ecosystem, on sale from just £349 all in ~ INCLUDING FREE DELIVERY with in 50 miles of DN4 and installation in your home, plus all the help, advices and service you need from over 5 years experience setting up aquariums (I am always freely available by email & phone before and after Installation should you ever need any help)

the tank is generous sized (visual glass) 36 inches long by 18 inches high by 12 inches front to back with a medium dark wood cabinet and hood as shown in the below photo. The aquarium and cabinet are in amazing condition.

The sale includes all equipment needed.
a brand new skimmer with new air pump,
and a brand NEW fluval 305 external filter(i have taken it out of the box and set it up to my tank to mature the filter media)
thermostatically controlled heater,
power head/filter,
and marine lighting twin T8 tubes with starters. Mature water,
coral and living sand with some white gravel reef chips.
Food for your fish,
a hydrometer to test the salt level.

About 10kgs of, ocean and mature living Rock which is full of colours as can be seen in the photos, along with other marine effects -

This tank also includes reef janitors you will get 10 hermit crabs (some of which will be the sort after hawaiian hermit crab!!!)

Also A Common Clown Fish (nemo)

and a selection of damsels!!!

The above ecosystem is on sale for just £349 including Free Delivery up to 50 miles or so from my home in Doncaster South Yorkshire. For deliveries out side of 50 miles please see below

0-25 miles FREE
25-50 miles £FREE
50-80 miles £20
80-100 miles £30
100-150 miles £40
150+ please contact me.

If your interested call me on 07821080844.
or text me your number and i will ring you back.




Contact Information
Advertiser: Jonathan Phillips
Telephone: 07821080844
Town: doncaster
County: uk

Advert stats: [Added or updated:17/07/06 Views: 3418]

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