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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  5 X Adult Breeding Synodontis Petricola Set Up 3ft Aquarium + LOADS OF EXTRAS

Description: Freshwater Synodontis Petricola Breeding Aquarium Set Up

Welcome to my listing for your hopefully new Freshwater Synodontis Petricola Breeding Aquarium Set Up

The aquarium has been established for over 3 years now, there are 5 petricola's, 2 are 3 years old and are the babies from the 1st ever brood, the other 3 are from the original breeding group I purchased in 2019 and were already about 2+ years old.

Unfortunately, I had a faulty heater at the beginning of last year and lost 10 fish from the original breeding group purchased in 2019. Very sad and upsetting.

I kept the fish tank and continued to raise the adults on a nutritious diet of fresh veg like cucumber and lettuce, freshly hatched baby brine shrimp and frozen cubes of adult brine shrimp, mussels, tropical mix, daphnia, bloodworms, white mosquito larvae and others. But now, I'm at a point where I have an opportunity to travel and it feels right, so here you are my fish tank is up for grabs.

They are very happy with their setup, plenty of nooks and crannies, plus low maintenance fake plants, providing loads of cover. Very engaging fishies who will readily feed out of your hand and even sit in it.

There is everything you need and more going with the sale.

Spare breeding tanks

6no. heaters (4 of which are smart)

Master freshwater test kit

5no. 25l water containers

Pond pump running 4 sponge filters, 2 sponges have been adapted with k1 media.

Frozen food.

Dried food; flakes & pellets.


Spare pumps.

Plus loads of useful bits and pieces, to name but a few, photos will help you here but you'll be getting plenty of bang for your buck.

So whether you want an aquarium just for entertainment purposes or you would like to dabble with breeding, this is for you as it's setup ready for both. I also have some useful info I can share with you if you so wish to get into the breeding side of this.

It is very profitable!!!!!! These fish can produce anywhere from 500 - 1000 fry per calendar month per female fish and they sell easily at £15 per fish online or around £8 to local fish shops.

Open to offers as need gone asap.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Mungo
Telephone: 07366261675
Town: Wisbech
County: Cambridgeshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/04/23 Views: 643]

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