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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  rio 400 in black with custom built sump filter in the cabinet

Description: rio 400 in black with cabinet and sump filter. the tank itself is drilled in the top left hand corner at the back and a wier has been made around it, there are two 12lx12wx15"h sump tanks joined together in the cabinet, 52mm ABS pipe work used throughout except from the exit of the pump.

in the first sump tank the filter sponges are placed horizontally above the water level so it acts as a wet/dry filter and gives the bacteria maximum aeration, under the sponges goes the heaters so that in the event of a power failiure the heaters remain in water and do not dry out and crack. in the second sump tank goes the aquamedic ocean runner 3500 which gives plenty of cirrculation around the tank.

i am wanting to sell the tank as i am wanting to downgrade, i am currently studying my a levels at school and have not got the time to look after a tank this size, although i have read alot of information on the net and put alot a thought into designing the tank for keeping marine fish there is no reason why you couldnt keep tropicals or coldwater fish in it.

comes with
rio 400 (black) drilled with wier
cabinet (black)
sump tanks (10mm glass)
all 52mm ABS pipework to the sump tanks (3 tank connector+3 90elbows+pipe) already made up
2x300W heaters
aquamedic ocean runner 3500 (the dogs B"ll"cks of the sump pumps for a tank this size)
6 mature MARINE filter sponges have been in the tank for over 18 months.

sorry for rambling on but i love this hobby too much :P
if you possibly need any more info on my tank or want sum pictures just send me an email at and get back to you as soon as i can.
thanks alot,

Contact Information
Advertiser: richard
Town: matlock
County: derbyshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:22/06/06 Views: 2127]

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