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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Unused NEW Desktop All in one Marine Peninsula + all Equipment (45 Gallon)

Description: Hey! I started this with a view to having a gorgeous desktop tank for the home office but I'm not going to finish it. BUT, that does mean someone here may get a bloomin' good bargain. Would make an excellent starter tank for someone or a second tank.

TANK: Unused 900x450x450mm (LxWxH) Peninsula tank with built in filter area (see pic for specs) made with 10mm Optiwhite glass on 4 sides. Custom made by those lovely peeps at Wharf Aquatics (4.5 years left on the 5 year guarantee) (Tank is ~45 Gallons)

LIGHT: Ecotech Radion XR15 BLUE with tank mount & diffuser (2nd hand with low use and working fine)

POWERHEADS: 2 x AI NERO 3's both 2nd hand but only used to circulate water change water for 2 months by previous owner - tested and look new (see pics)

RETURN PUMP: TMC Reef Connect 2500 (Brand New Unused) and app controllable

RETURN NOZZLE: VCA Twin Random Flow Generator (Brand New Unused)

Heater (Controller): 2 x Aqua Medic T Controller Twin (1 is brand new unused), the other has a cracked screen - I was going to use this for water changes)

HEATER: D&D Titanium 250W (Brand New Unused)

SAND: 2 x 9kg Caribsea Special Grade Live Sand (in date 02/2023) New and unused

ROCKS: CARIBSEA LIFE ROCK SHAPES 30kg (yes you read that right!) that's 3 boxes of brand new unused rock to create that perfect scape (and sell the rest on maybe?)

Maxspect Nano Tech Bio Spheres (1kg) NEW BOXED
3 x custom made 1.5 Litre dosing containers
New tube of Aquarium Silicon
Matte Black acrylic film to cover the bottom of the tank and around the filter area if you want a cleaner look
6 x 25 litre containers for water changes etc (Brand New)
Plumbing and pipework for the return pump
A grossly over-engineered and heavy stand that I started, but haven't quite finished yet. Just need a coat of paint and sides putting on.

There's a LOT here, all you'll need to kickstart this tank is salt, something to cycle the tank with and a skimmer (the skimmer sections was built to house a Tunze 9004 but will fit most small ones). RRP for all this stuff is about £2100.

I'm looking for £1200 on a quick sale or message me a sensible offer (inspections welcome WS1 / Walsall area). Trying not to split.

Buyer will need to pick up

Contact Information
Advertiser: Hiten Patel
Telephone: 07870503353
County: West Midlands

Advert stats: [Added or updated:10/07/22 Views: 816]

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