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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Job lot of pond equipment £100

Job lot of pond equipment £100

Job lot of pond equipment £100

Job lot of pond equipment £100

Job lot of pond equipment £100

Description: I have just decommissioned my pond and have the following job lot of equipment for sale.

1. Lotus Clear Pond UV filter box. New UV light fitted and manual. Value £200 + new.

2. Virtually new Pontec 3500 pond pump. Purchased 28.05.2020, value £199. Comes with manual and receipt.

3. Oase 3500 pond pump with manual.

4. Brand new unused Tetra pond pump with manual but no case.

5. Brand new unused bottle of pond pump cleaner.

6. Large blue bag of filter box medium.

7. Heron decoy.

8. Net.

9. Large water box.

All pumps and filter box in full working condition. Grab a bargain, reduced to sell.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Mark Wearn
Telephone: 07928413130
Town: Andover
County: Hampshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:12/10/20 Views: 996]

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