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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  EA Reefpro 1200s 2 years old and perfectly matured corals

EA Reefpro 1200s 2 years old and perfectly matured corals

EA Reefpro 1200s 2 years old and perfectly matured corals

EA Reefpro 1200s 2 years old and perfectly matured corals

EA Reefpro 1200s 2 years old and perfectly matured corals

EA Reefpro 1200s 2 years old and perfectly matured corals

EA Reefpro 1200s 2 years old and perfectly matured corals

EA Reefpro 1200s 2 years old and perfectly matured corals

EA Reefpro 1200s 2 years old and perfectly matured corals

EA Reefpro 1200s 2 years old and perfectly matured corals

EA Reefpro 1200s 2 years old and perfectly matured corals

EA Reefpro 1200s 2 years old and perfectly matured corals

Description: CALL 07795303221 to schedule viewing. email for multiple photos Incredible set up that's mature using Triton Core 7, I only do water changes to vacuum the sand bed! Very vibrant corals, coral alone is worth £1,500. Will supply new Triton ICP test to buyer. all the best rated equipment, AI Lighting, all EcoTech Marine pumps w backup, Deltech skimmer and reactors, Apex Neptune Aquarium Controller Kit w lab grade probes, Kamoer 4-Channel w custom white acrylic container, RODI unit (4 phase) £8k much to list but I'll try Evolution Aqua eaReef Pro1200 S Specifications AQUARIUM DIMENSIONS: 1200(L) x 600(W) x 600(H)mm,OVERALL SYSTEM VOLUME: 441 Litres (Nett),12 and 15mm Ultra Clear Glass, Black silicone,Black vinyl wrap background, Black glass weir, Removable acrylic weir comb, SUMP DIMENSIONS: 800(L) x 450(W) x 450(H)mm, SUMP VOLUMES: 45 Litres (adjustable), 24 Litres (Top-up reservoir), SUMP SPECIFICATIONS: Black silicone, 2 x adjustable height baffles, Unique macro algae comb, CABINET DIMENSIONS: 1200(L) x 600(W) x 900(H)mm CABINET SPECIFICATIONS: Soft close, push open, Silicone sealed, PIPEWORK SPECIFICATIONS: 19 and 25mm stepped hosetail, custom 4 channel manifold , double union ball valve, 3 pipe system. TMC Reef Pump 8000 (backup return pump)
Apex Neptune Aquarium Controller Kit, complete with the Apex Base Unit, the Apex Energy Bar 6, Apex Display Module, Long-life Temperature Probe and Standard Grade Temperature Probe, PH probe, Salinity Probe
EcoTech Marine Backup Battery
Kamoer 4-Channel Dosing Pump for Aquariums
Custom 4 channel white acrylic dosing container
Deltec 600 Skimmer
2 Deltec FR509 Fluidised Reactor
Lab grade PH probe (New Extra backup)
Lab grade Conductivity Probe (New Extra backup)
Trade Mark Aquatics 4-Stage RO/DI PUMPED 50 GPD (US) Unit
MP 40 Dry Side Pump (Spare)
DD Slimline Designer Bracket White 50cm
Refugium Light (LED 85 Red primary)
TMC V2 Auto Top Up System PLUS
Schego 600w Titanium Heater
Newa Therm Eco VTO 300w Heater
Real Reef Generation 4 Cured Live Rock
Red Sea Coral Pro Salt
RODI 25 ltr drums
150 ltr Green Drum (Mixing)
siphon tube w vacuum
MagFloat Large Floating GlassAquarium Cleaner
100 ltr RODI tank
Rowa Rowaphos (1000ml)
Extra Filters for RODI unit
Ehime Scraper (new)
Ehime Fish Feeder
Various tubes for water changes
Aqua One Magical Cleaning Rod Large
Red Sea Reef Spec Carbon 1000ml
Caribsea Ocean Direct Natural Live Sand 60lb

Live Stock
Verious SPS (Acropora, Anacropora, Hydnopora, Seritopora,
Various montiporas
Digita rock
Zoanthid colonies
Large grassy star polip
Derasa Clam
Florida Recordia
multiple mushrooms
Bubble Tip (tri colour) anemones
2 Clowns (Black, white w orange)
Vampire Tang
Leopard Wrasse, black white
Small cool fish with purple and white colour
Blood Shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
Multiple Super Nassarius snails
Mexican hermit crabs
Tuxido Urchin
San Sifting Starfish
Various items like nudi branch, conch, Cowrie

Contact Information
Advertiser: Christian Dorau
Telephone: 07795303221
Town: Sunninghill
County: Berkshire
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:19/07/19 Views: 2153]

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