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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Aqua one 400 marine tank. £1250

Aqua one 400 marine tank. £1250

Aqua one 400 marine tank. £1250

Aqua one 400 marine tank. £1250

Aqua one 400 marine tank. £1250

Aqua one 400 marine tank. £1250

Aqua one 400 marine tank. £1250

Aqua one 400 marine tank. £1250

Aqua one 400 marine tank. £1250

Aqua one 400 marine tank. £1250

Aqua one 400 marine tank. £1250

Aqua one 400 marine tank. £1250

Description: Aqua one 400 marine tank
Full marine set up With extras

Over 40kg of living rock
(two of the rocks we're living Aquaroche sculpture)
Upgraded heaters
Twin wave makers
Extras canister filters
As well as sump filtration system
2x UV Light units
All fish now sold apart from
1 x Sail fin
1x Royal gramma
1x pyjama cardinal
Some algae eating fish
1x Pistol Finn maybe
one living coral and a few crabs and snails .Plus various accessories
Ring for details
Reason for selling work commitments so no spare time to give it the attention it needs
Just Needs cleaning and some attention

Contact Information
Advertiser: Johnathon breckin
Telephone: 07889499342
Town: Rotherham
County: South Yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:12/11/18 Views: 1343]

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