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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Marine old 7 years matured 1000L aquarium

Marine old 7 years matured 1000L aquarium

Marine old 7 years matured 1000L aquarium

Marine old 7 years matured 1000L aquarium

Marine old 7 years matured 1000L aquarium

Marine old 7 years matured 1000L aquarium

Marine old 7 years matured 1000L aquarium

Marine old 7 years matured 1000L aquarium

Marine old 7 years matured 1000L aquarium

Marine old 7 years matured 1000L aquarium

Description: It is SAD to start packing up the complete 1000 L aquarium due to time factor. I need to move on to other priorities in life.

Marine life beneath sea , I always admired the adventure and fascinating vibrant colours of fishes and corals, this lead me to pursuit as a hobby to have one. It has been most amazing and challenging 7 years of having marine creatures at home.

I will definitely miss marine creatures.

I need a serious buyer, specially first time buyer who may be happy to face challenges.

Ideally, I want someone who is equipped and happy to transition gradually one by one starting from live rocks, fish and other equipment needed to run Marine aquarium

Live rock will be less than half price £5/kg, same all other items will be at reduced price from normal shop prices.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Upendra
Telephone: 07701027190
Town: Wembley
County: Middlesex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:07/08/17 Views: 1376]

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