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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Tropical food, 25L water containers & more £40.00

Description: I have the following items that I wish to sell as a job lot. I have 4 x 25L water containers, 2 x large pieces of bogwood, 1 x small piece of bogwood, three quarters of a bottle of Seachem Flourish Excel. I also have frozen fish food I have 2 x new & complete packets of cyclops and then 5 opened packets of variety of frozen food bloodworm, mini bloodworm, daphnia, tubifex and clyclops. I also have a variety of opened packets of dry foods as follows NT Labs Tropical Probiotic, Micro pellets, Hikari Algae Wafers, Hikari Sinking wafers, Shrimp sticks and shrimp cuisine. If I find any other aquatic bits I will thrown them in too. There is a lot here with a total value of at least £130.00 but I would like £40 ovno

Contact Information
Advertiser: Carl
Telephone: 07432550386
Town: Nottingham
County: Nottinghamshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:11/04/17 Views: 1326]

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