Looking To Sell Your Aquarium Or Accessories? We Are Opening A Pre-Loved aquarium and accessories store 🐟
We will buy goods for the right price and these will be resold. Not looking to fool anyone but if you want a quick sale or are looking for something yourself drop us a message.
Shop is based in westbury on trym and stock will be on display once we have collected them all 😍
We are offering a wish list service- let us know your wants and how much you have to spend and we will contact you if we get it in!
Message us if:
You are looking for something- wish list
Want to sell your goods for cash- buy and sell
Looking to display and advertise (small commission fee)
Happy fish keeping 😊🐠🐟🐡🦐
Contact Information Advertiser: Jade Brady Telephone: 01179503857
Town: Bristol
County: Bristol
Web Link: http://www.facebook.com/tankedupbristol
Advert stats: [Added or updated:24/03/17 Views: 1280]
