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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Marine set up plus extras

Description: I am having to sell my much loved fish tank. The tank is Jewel 120 lido and is 1year and a half old. It is in perfect condition and the t lights have only been used for a few months due to buying razor lights which I will be included in sale. . Hopefully I can sell as a full set up. I will include Ro unit with 3 month old resin hardly used. Frozen food, dried food, refractor, pumps, heaters, 4 25lt containers, salifert test kits, flipper cleaner, everything you need to run a marine tank. Tads meter, battery thermometer etc
This what it includes:
Jewel lido 120 no scratches on glass excellent condition
Media, pump, power head, heater
Live Rock lots of with different soft corals
Clown fish
African clown,
coral beauty
Purple stripe dottyback
Cleaner shrimp
Turbo snails
Sand snails

Contact Information
Advertiser: Sarah Reid
Telephone: 01333312092
Town: Anstruther
County: Fife

Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/11/16 Views: 1568]

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