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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  For sale - Marine tank, fish, live rock, etc 7.6 x 2 x 2.6

Description: Selling large marine tank (1200 litres) with approximately 100 kilos of live rock, 2 x v2 700 tmc lumenair lights, protein skimmer, large phosphate remover, 3ft sump tank, nitrate pellet reactor, tmc v2 ozone reactor, 2 canister ro unit. Stock includes large anemone hosting a pair of clowns, bi angel, reef lobster, yellow tang, regal tang, pink pygmy, hawk fish, coral beauty, peacock wrasse, spiny sea urchin, 2 elephant ears, small leather coral, a number of power heads, heater etc. Sump tank light. Some salt and some test kits. Selling as I no longer have the time to maintain. This is a very large set up - and will need a large van and several people to move. Height is 5'7 from floor to top of tank. Prefer to sell as a whole set up but will consider separates. Looking for £1000 for complete set up.

Contact Information
Advertiser: colin
Telephone: 07802446610
Town: Southampton
County: Hampshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/10/16 Views: 1794]

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