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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Marine set-up, 1000 litres

Description: Hi, I'm selling my reef tank due to simply not having the time to care for it to my full ability due to work etc. I'm asking for £1500 for the entire thing which is a amazing deal! but i will take £1000 for everything bar the actual tank
the details of the system are as follows:
1:5footx2.5footx2.5foot bow front allpondsolutions tank and cabinet. the cabinet is white.
1: 4ft 6x54bulb T5 system (allpondsolutions)
2: powerheads (allpondsolutions)
1: 1200 TMC V2 skimmer
1: D&D phosphate reactor
1: 300watt heater
1: Ehiem return pump.
1: air pump

a good 60KG at least of 4 year old live rock (been in my previous systems)
multiple colonies of fly catcher zoos
small green zoos
1 very large kenyan tree with several smaller ones.
1 green leather
1 finger leather
1 large toadstool leather
1 rock of hairy mushrooms
1 rock of green mushrooms
1 large colony of acans
1 green hystrix
1 pink hystrix
1 cactus sps

1 falco hawkfish
1 blue streak cleaner wrasse
1 yellow tang
1 yellow watchman goby
3 humbug damsels
a pair of breeding mandarin fish

and of course there are loads of small hermit crabs and snails etc. the total system volume with the sump is about 980 litres. i will be very sad to see this tank go but unfortunately it has too... the system has been established for well over a year and it has got live stock and rock from my other tanks so its all very well cared for by me. To remove this tank will be a very large job due to its sheer size etc and ofcoure you would have to arrange transport with a group of friends to help move the system etc but i can help to a certain extent.
if you have any questions please contact me on: 07895 088246.

Contact Information
Advertiser: theo
Telephone: 07895 088246
Town: Tenterden
County: Kent

Advert stats: [Added or updated:24/05/16 Views: 2274]

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