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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Full Marine Setup

Description: Full marine setup priced to sell quickly due to house move, too much to list everything, but I have all the equipment required to run a marine tank containing fish, soft corals, lps corals and sps corals.
The tank itself is 4ft long 2ft high and 1.5ft front to back, it does have some scratches which were on it when I purchased it but hey have never bothered me it has a weir and sump tank underneath.
the stand is home made and is made of box steel I have then surrounded it in oak, you could do whatever you want with this.
Some of the equipment as follows,
Deltec apf 600 skimmer
ehiem 5000 ltr return pump
LED lighting system + wall brackets
twin 150w halide
twin 250w halide adapted to take 4 x 54w t5s in place of the original t8 tubes
2 x ro units
temp controller
phosphate reactor
auto top up
vecton uv filter
kamoer dosing pump
wave maker powerhead
Various test kits
23kg bucket of salt, just opened
water butts
cleaning equipment.
currently the tank is still up and running with fish and corals, I plan to sell the live stock, corals etc. first details of which are currently on a different listing, I will sell together if someone wants everything. THIS LISTING IS JUST FOR THE TANK AND EQUIPMENT. I need to move this quite quickly so will accept a sensible offer

Contact Information
Advertiser: keith
Telephone: 07809618841
County: Norfolk

Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/04/16 Views: 1978]

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