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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  4ft bow tank Malawi setup for sale

Description: Hi, I'm selling my established Malawi setup - you wouldn't need to buy a thing.

The 4ft bow tank, complete with Juwel 3d granite background, comes with a hood and stand and a light that sits on the condensation tray.

Also included:
Fluval 4 and 3+ filters
2 100W heaters (one with a guard)
Powerful Sera pump with several outlets and airstones.
LOTS of ocean rock (spent an absolute fortune on this. There's a huge centre piece with loads of hidey holes for fry which cost £20 itself)
Lava rock
Sea fan
Large piece of bogwood
Large pebbles and black and white gravel
2 ornaments plus artificial plants
Misc items such as clips for veg, filter pads, scrapers, gravel pump, books and nets.

I would like someone to take the fish free of charge first ideally and give me a day or two to fully clean out the tank for you.

I have an adult cobalt, a couple of adult yellow labs and a demasoni, all wild and a couple of tank bred yellow labs.

It's a bargain at £350 for everything listed (or £300 minus the ocean rock and slate - worth well over three times that).

There's a video of my fish below and a pic of my cobalt and demasoni.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Anj Handa
Telephone: 07946646295
Town: Leeds
County: West Yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/12/15 Views: 1732]

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